Monday, April 14, 2014

The Little Things

Lately, I have been looking at the little things that make me happy in life.  There are many more that I ever realized.  I'm going to share a few, so please indulge me a little on this, as a couple may come off as sappy.


Music has always been wonderful to me, but lately, I can be in my car, and a song will come on the radio, and I can't stop smiling for one reason or another! Music is a powerful influence on our moods.  I notice that when I keep my music upbeat and happy, I have better days!


I'm sure not all of my readers are religious, but I know that making sure that I study my scriptures has a profound effect on how I look at the world.  It helps me keep an eternal perspective, which I need sometimes.  It makes it easier for me to get through moments when I get frustrated with myself for one reason or another.


I have laughed more in the last 6 months or so than I have in a very long time.  I am letting the little things in life take over, and I laugh so much more.  Just tonight, Steve was being silly as we were out with my younger brother to get some fun soda drinks from a local drink place.  We were just standing in line.  I didn't know the answer to something, and he came up with silly things to say. I love that little things like that happen on a very regular basis with Steve, or even a silly email.  I know that there will be lots of laughs for the rest of forever with Steve in my life.


Ok, I am also sure that not all of my readers are cat people.  But I know that my cat makes me happy.  He will come and yell at me with his whimpy meow, and then come cuddle with me, and it just warms my heart.  I always feel better when he is near me. There are studies suggesting that having a cat (or other animals I am sure) can help you have lower stress and anxiety.  I can get unnecessarily anxious sometimes, and he does help me calm down sometimes. Whether it is a distraction or just the fact that he wants attention and cuddles, it's working for me.


Yes, here comes the sappy train!  There are so many little things that Steve does, and he doesn't even realize how cute they are.  It makes me happy that he has chosen to share a life with me.  I look forward to his messages, and seeing him as often as I can.  Thanks for being in my life, and putting up with me, and making me laugh, and feel special and loved every day.  I am so lucky to have you Steve.


I love to take pictures.  Not just of myself either.  Yes, I am an avid selfie taker, but I know that there are many other beautiful things happening in my life that deserve the same attention! Steve is sweet, and even though he isn't much of a person who loves to be in pictures, he indulges me, and I love him more for that. Feeling down?  Get outside and take some pictures.  The trees are blooming, and life is GORGEOUS!!!!!!

What little things make you happy?

All my love,

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