Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Pants-less Husband is a Happy Husband.

Now, I know that the title is a bit out there, but hear me out.

Through this whole house buying process Steve and I have been going through, I have been thinking about all of the little things that make him so happy.

Now, this information is common knowledge in our family, but people have to call our house before coming over in the evenings. When he likes to relax, he prefers to not have pants on.  I thought his siblings were kidding about that when Steve and I were dating, but I learned once we were married that they really weren't kidding.

In all honesty, it doesn't bother me. If that's how he wants to relax, and how he is most comfortable, more power to him. Once we have children, that will no longer be an option, so I have chosen to let him enjoy this freedom until our family is growing.

That's just one of the little things that make him happy. Another is having an occasional evening to play video games. I know that there is a stigma with the "gaming" type of person. Steve likes to occasionally unwind with a game, which I feel is completely healthy. If he were spending almost every evening, all evening doing that, then yes, I could see there being an issue. This is a once in a while thing, and I don't mind it. It is how he unwinds.

As I was realizing these simple things made him happy, I realized a small thing that made me happy, and helped me unwind... READING!!!

I have been searching all week for something to unwind and help me relax, and I realized that what I was missing was READING!!! It forces me to put myself in another world, and let the journey of the book take me where it needs to for the story. I can't let my mind wander and think about all of the stresses in my life when I am reading. It is my escape.

Tonight, Steve wanted to game, and so I decided I was going to read a bit. It was magnificent! I was able to put my cares away, and just focus on the book. We both got to wind down in ways that we both desperately needed!  We are nearing the end of the buying process, (Please send all good thoughts, prayers, and vibes our way,) and have been too worked up during parts of this process. Now that we both have found ways to wind down, we need to focus our energies on packing! :)

To my sweet, pants-less hubby, thank you for being patient with me through this process, and for being the wonderful, geeky man that you are. It allows me to be the geeky woman that I am, which is my favorite version of myself. You're the best!

All my love,

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