Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Last Couple of Days.

So, shortly after my last post, I lost it. I broke down, and I was not ok.  I felt like we didn't really get any answers from the doctor, and I was frustrated beyond consoling. My hubby was so sweet, and just let me cry and vent. But, I was still upset. So, I did what I always do, and I got in the car, and drove. I didn't know where I was going to drive to, but I drove.

Next thing I know. I am out in front of a friends house. As I was driving down her street, I hoped she was home, because I hadn't called, Thankfully, she was at home. I go to the door and knock. Her hubby answers the door, could tell something was wrong, and then my friend peeked around and asked me what was wrong. All I could say was, "I'm not ok." and another huge sob came on. She came out and hugged me, and proceeded to invite me in so I could talk more. After talking with her for about a half an hour, I was feeling a little better. With many thanks for disrupting her, I left, and went back home, and was just quiet for the evening as I read all of the sweet messages from friends and family from my last post.

I have to thank you all for that.  I got to sleep cuddled up next to my hubby, knowing that tomorrow would be a new day.

The next day was wonderful!  I started off the day with my friend coming by with her kids, and we went for a walk around the park just down the street. I loved having them come by! Steve was home with me most of the day, so we took it as some rest and relaxation.  We went out to lunch, and then we spent the afternoon at home. That evening, we went to dinner with my family, which was a total blast, and just what I needed. My family and I are really close, and it was nice to see them.

That evening, our neighborhood had an amazing party!  This fireworks show was LEGIT!!!  I thought I was at a professional show!  It was marvelous!  All of our neighbors are so nice, and I got to spend time talking with one of my new friends, who needed to talk just as much as I needed to talk with her. We had a lovely conversation that we both needed to have.   The only downfall to the evening were the 16 mosquito bites I got because I forgot to spray with bug spray before leaving the house. (The curse of living near the beauty of the lake.)  My hubby and I cuddled on the blanket, and watched the fireworks show together. It was bliss.

The 4th was a lovely day. My friend and her kids came again for a walk, and my hubby joined us. We have decided that we are going to make this a regular thing. (If you want to join us, just message me.)  Steve and I had already decided to stay in and watch movies. We didn't need to go and see parades or anything. We just wanted to celebrate by being together. We spent the day watching movies we had never seen, and we really enjoyed the day!  We ended our celebration with a movie out!  We went and saw Inside Out, which was fantastic! A perfect rest and relaxation day.

Today we spent the day focused on rest and relaxation once again, with our normal Sunday routine. I wouldn't trade our Sundays for anything. For me, it is a day of rest, and a day of worship. I have been a bit sad today. I have been feeling very insufficient in many areas of my life today. After a long talk with my hubby, I think I am feeling this way because either I dreamed about being that way, or I am feeling very insecure about what we are going to be taking on in our future. Either way, tomorrow is a new day, and I hope that it starts off well.

All my love,


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