Sunday, February 23, 2014

Everything is Awesome!!!!!


Recently, I went and saw The Lego Movie with Steve. (Yes, we love animated movies!) As silly as this little movie is, and how catchy this song is, I learned something from it.  Everything is awesome when we let ourselves look for the awesomeness.  Everyone has bad things that happen to them in their lives.  Whether that be a divorce, death of a loved one, unemployment, whatever the case may be, we all have those moments when we can feel down.
The main character in this movie is an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life, following the instructions, and not feeling like he was noticed, amazing or special.  I know I have had those moments in my life, as I am sure most of you have as well.  As this movie goes on, he is given a mission to save them all from evil.  We also have these moments, where the bad is in our faces, and it is our job to rid us of it.
Sometimes, what makes us special is following the rules, and doing what we are supposed to, rather than going out and seeking to be different.  Why is routine and structure such a bad thing in our world now?  I have to say, that since I got a little more organized, and gained some more structure in my life, it has been much simpler and easy to enjoy.
We aren't always off on grand adventures and quests.  Sometimes it is just surviving every day that leads us to those awesome moments. But, if we are letting the bad consume us, how can we see the awesomeness?
I've noticed that over the last year, I have been continually told that people love my outlook on life, and my attitude towards my personal struggles and obstacles within it.  My parents were pretty phenomenal when they taught me that I should look for the good in my life.  I don't know what makes me different than other people.  I just seek the good.  It keeps my life positive, and happy in general.  Yes, I have bad days, and bad things happen to me.  That doesn't mean that I can't have the glass half full and keep the good things that happen my focus.
I encourage you all to look for the good in your life.  Then you can run around singing this silly song, and truly feeling like your life is awesome.  Because, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!  Even the struggles we go through can be awesome by the time we are through them. (Generally, they don't feel awesome while we are going through them.  I would never say such a thing!) At the other end of the struggle, when you have the perspective, you can see the awesomeness that your life has become.

All my love,

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